What is a Mission Partnership?
Presbyterians engage in mission work by joining with others who share a common vision. Two or more organizations work toward a common goal, mutually giving and receiving surrounded by prayer so that God’s work can be more faithfully accomplished.
Calvin Church has partnered with the Oti Presbytery of the Evangelical Presbyterian Church of Ghana. This presbytery is in eastern Ghana near the border with Togo.
What is a Mission Network?
Calvin Presbyterian Church is a partner church in the Ghana Mission Network. A mission network is a collegial relationship between Presbyterian Church (USA) entities working together in a specific country or program area. By combining resources, mission networks develop a body of shared knowledge for effective mission practices. There are more than 40 mission networks in the PC(USA).
A recent project of the Ghana Mission Network partners was soliciting contributions to a vehicle fund for the West African Mission Coworker, Rev. Joshua Heikkila. This will enable him to travel around Ghana.
Every three years the Ghana Mission Network holds its meeting in Ghana. The GMN meeting in 2020 will be held in Tamale, northern Ghana. The intervening years the GMN holds its annual meeting at various locations in the US.
Oti Presbytery
The Oti Presbytery, located in the northern Volta Region, was commissioned as a presbytery during the 2014 General Assembly of the Evangelical Presbyterian Church. The presbytery plans to have its administrative center in Nkwanta, the largest village (3,000 people) in the presbytery. One need of Oti Presbytery is for a building that would provide office space for meetings and a home for the presbytery moderator. Most of the church members in this presbytery are employed as farmers, fishermen, government workers or traders. The literacy rate is 30%.